Sunday, June 10, 2012

Give Our Oceans Some Lovin' It Deserve!

It has always been a dream of mine to become a diver and a volunteer to the ocean. And, that being said as a revelation, is one of the reasons why I am always on the lookout for news about marine biodiversity.  I stumble at these pictures and I can't help but marvel at how beautiful our oceans are. The belief that 'water is life' back in the old days still rings true until now. It will always be that way until we left this earth and have the next generations take over. I just cannot imagine how many people would say that they care about the waters when they were the culprits for its pollution. Seeing this crystal clear water with coral reefs beneath is a sight to behold.

Coral reefs, Turtle Islands, Phils. | Jurgen Freund - WWF Canon
Knowing that many turtles and tortoises thrive in clean water (including other marine creatures), we should be mindful about our actions such as refraining from throwing wastes and occasional plastic candy wrappers and bottles. I have read somewhere that many turtles and dolphins die when they ate these plastics. They have mistaken it for foods and after some months, these poor creatures die with all the plastics stuck in their stomachs. 

Hawksbill turtle | Jurgen Freund - WWF Canon
Can you imagine how hard it is for them to live in a cruel environment? If you are the dolphin or the turtle, do you think you would survive in an ocean full of rubbish? Did you feel a slight thug in your heart because of all these brutalities? 

Spinner dolphins | Jurgen Freund
Be a volunteer and give help by finding ways on how to take part on water activities with a cause. Share these issues and enlighten other minds by being a perfect example of a responsible citizen. We should clean up our acts and start within ourselves. Let's do this now before it is too late.

Source of images: Yahoo Philippines
Text: Bliss Steps

Note; More about these topics soon. I will be researching and give you short posts about these things. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lost Thoughts and Ideas

Gone are my thoughts and ideas that I have not written or saved in any device. That is why we should have something handy to record and keep track of what we are thinking and doing. Sometimes, my brain is a dysfunctional hard disk. It also runs out of memory and space. I need an upgrade asap. (-;

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Why I Broke Up and You Should, Too!

It has been a year after my last breakup and yes, I have definitely moved on. I just thought of writing something about it now than write about it during that dark state of nonsense.  Many people have asked me what I did in order to recover in such a short span of time. It is hard and saddening but a part of me is looking forward to the day when I would finally share my heart and my life with someone again. I got my hands busy, my feet busy and my mind very busy until it hurts no more. My only option is to be happy and I have to really move on to be in that state of bliss. It was drastic because I really moved on literally. I went abroad and have gone to different places to experience a fresh, new ambiance that I so fully deserved.

Apparently, I do not regret the fact that I ended it because it made me stronger and it definitely freed me from the cage of I-don't-know-what-will-happen-to-us state. I would not say it made me better because back then, I think I am a terrible freak who would easily get affected when something bad happens. So, it is safe to say that I am a good person now. But yeah, I think it made me a better person because now, I have a better understanding of why all these things happened. Back then, I was seeing things vaguely and even if I was able to see that I should be better off without him, I chose to stay with him because of his pleading. I tell you, it is not worth it. So better break up now that you are still floating in the water before you sink and could not get up because you have drowned already.

Moreover, I think we should see the good part about breaking up with someone especially if the relationship is futile. After so much concerted effort from both parties and nothing worked, a breakup is a good decision. I have a life and that other individual has a life, too. I like us to have the best life we could have by giving each other the chance of living our lives on our own, by becoming the best persons we could be. I did not give in when he asked for another chance, since we always have chances to prove ourselves that time when we were still in that relationship. Seven years are long years where we could definitely try and give chances to each other so why would I risk another day, week, month or year just to see if this time it will work out? Since I already gave many chances without counting, it is just best not to give him a chance again but to give myself a chance this time. I have to give myself the chance of feeling love and being taken cared of and not being taken for granted. I may be hurt, yes, but I do not consider myself broken. My heart may be badly bruised and was in ICU for many years but I have recovered my heart. Luckily, I did not need  a heart transplant for that. 

No offense meant for other people who gave many chances and ended up happily in each other's arms, again. I am glad that for them it worked out well but I don't think I can endure another year of agony and misery just because of giving our relationship a chance. It could also mean that the same course of events could happen again or even worse! I do not want to get to the point where I would hate myself because I prolonged a useless relationship. I realized that people come to our lives not just to love us but to teach us a lesson. And, I have learned my lesson the hard way. Now, you have a choice. Would you dare to end a bad relationship or endure it for the rest of your life? You decide. 

Choose wisely!

Although I do not live by quotes, I love sharing quotes to inspire people. This is my first quote image on my Get Inspired Quotes Page on Facebook. There are times when we wake up and we feel bad but then, we have a choice. It is entirely up to us on how our days would go and on how we lead our lives while we are still breathing.  

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Use a Mac PC?

Do you know how to use a Mac? Honestly, I do not know. I cannot say that I know how to use it because I only know the basic functions and not all of it! I am not an adept Windows user but somehow, I am able to navigate it on my own. Maybe because it was the first operating system that I have used in my PC. Well, you would be surprised to know that I do not own my own PC or laptop per se. The PC that I am referring to is the PC I am using at the office, the one I am renting over the shop or from a generous friend who understood that I am still not buying my own PC. Buying my own PC is still on hold and I would discuss that in another topic.

I look like a wimp using Mac and trying some Windows commands hoping that it would work. Okay, some of the keyboard commands did work. Hahaha! It was a hilarious experience asking friends who are also newbies to teach me how to use this cool computer. What I like about it is its big screen, perfect for my blurred eyes that tend to droop every now and then. But for work purposes that have deadlines, I still use my laptop (yeah, the office laptop) to get the jobs done asap. Well, I will just have to get to the office early to have my mini Mac practice. Apparently, I am too shy to ask them how to use this gigantic box with a cool track pad that lets me glide my fingers smoothly.

I am looking forward to work tomorrow. It is not for work, but for using Mac. I am just kidding. My boss would kill me when he gets to read this piece of shit that I have written. Yeah, I just wrote some crazy stuff now. I just learned how to insert the cd on the monitor's side and how to eject the cd by pushing the eject button on the keyboard. It is so small that if you are not keen, you would not notice. Good thing, my friend pointed it out to me. Yes, he saw the eject button and mind you, he is also new to Mac. He is wearing his spectacles. Hehehe!

When I Need Someone to Talk to

Why is it when I need someone to talk to, no one is around? I always find myself in that kind of situation these past few weeks. Yeah, I am kinda used to being alone but then there were times when it will just hit me rock bottom. I am not needy of someone or I am not being melodramatic over the most mundane of things. I am just wondering why when there are times when I really need someone to talk to, there is no one whom I can share a conversation with. I am not venting out some negative speeches or thoughts. Sometimes, all I need is just someone who would just listen or someone who would just be there.

Okay, blame it on my hormones because I have my period now. That's it. Period.

Thought: Good thing I have God, so I just pray. Yeah, I admit it can be pretty difficult but then I am used to it anyway. I just have to let these words out of my system. ;)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

On Reaching Our Dreams

It is nice to dream especially when visualizing that our dreams will become a reality someday. And, when it happens before our very eyes, we will be surprised and blown away. But, I think we should ask ourselves this question, "Is what we are doing today getting us close to our dreams?"

Too often, people tend to drift away from their focus and forget what is really essential in the first place. I think we should evaluate ourselves so our time would not be wasted. In that way, we would be closer to reaching our dreams.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Patience Tests

If there is something that I lack in my values or virtues department, it is patience. I am not saying that I am too impatient and that I am nonchalant about things. Obviously, it is through my patience that I am being tested.

In the past few days, I have learned to be cool even if I am not. Keeping my head cool amidst the hot weather is in itself a challenge. I also had several migraine attacks and dehydrations, followed by slight moodswings and hungerpangs.

I also dealt with irate and inconsiderate human beings but it is an understatement since what I am experiencing now is nothing compared to a person wanting to live, fighting for his life and looking forward to better tomorrows.

Yes, I know that I should prolong my patience. I should stop complaining though. I will be "more" patient. In time, I will be a virtuoso in patience. And, maybe, conduct patience and mood workshops especially for people with a doctorate degree in Anger Management.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Wanna Sleep But...

I want to sleep but my mind is still working. I can feel it move I think and it dances, rejoicing in the fact that it craves to learn and know more. I can't wait to get up again and fill my braintank later. But, for now, I guess, I just have to sleep to replenish my strength.

Friday, February 24, 2012

You Should Do This At Least Once A Day

This is a really crazy and a very, very mad world, don't you think?! So, at least once a day, I believe that we should do something that we love to do - to cheer us up and to destress ourselves amidst all the stress that we get. Here's my to-do list:

1. Drink your favorite drink and be mindful about its effect on your body. I know it is wrong but I have drank a lot of Coke for my sweet fix and a lot of coffee to wake me up in the afternoon when I get super sleepy. Don't drink too much of these two because it will make you feel sluggish.

2. Exercise. If you are too busy, try stretching for a few minutes even for five (5) minutes to get your blood pumping and get you in the groove. If you are not in the mood, try stretching for two (2) minutes to get you started.

3. Talk to a friend or call someone you haven't called for a long time. Have a nice chat and enjoy the conversation. This rarely happens when we are too busy and too caught up with work so please find time for this.

4. Blogging. My blog is my personal diary that I share with everyone because I want to inspire people through my simple writing.

5. Do something that you really like to do. Cook a sumptous meal, read a book, walk for awhile, play with your pet, etc.

I do these things to keep me sane because being idle can drive me nuts.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Being Grateful for Everything

Whenever I start to think that I hate my life, I pray. And then, I realized at that very moment that I am still alive and praying and thinking and breathing and writing these words.

Apparently, I remember that I have to be grateful instead of whining and complaining that my life is shambles. After all, I still have my life and I have the power to make my life turn around. Many other people are fighting for their lives and I know many of them would like to trade places with me. When I think of my friends battling cancer, struggling over their finances, fixing their broken relationships, it makes me feel that I am not alone in my so-called battle.

Each and every person has his own battle and I have learned to choose my battles wisely. Why mull over the most mundane of things when we can appreciate the things around us? See, it is just our perception and outlook that will matter the most in these trying times.

With that, I am grateful for what I have now and what I will be having in the future. You should be grateful too. Cheers! :-)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Why not try HC?

Sometimes all it takes on a stressful morning is a cup of hot chocolate. Well, at least for me, since I like everything chocolate. And because I work in a very toxic environment (yeah, mostly everyone of us I supposed), I need to give my brain a treat.
So, a cup of HC does it for me in the morning followed by a cup of coffee in the afternoon for the much needed caffeine boost to last throughout the day.

I am not yet done about my research on the benefits of HC but I have found an interesting information below from

Research has shown that the consumption of hot chocolate could be beneficial to a person’s health. Research conducted by Cornell University indicates that hot chocolate contains more antioxidants than wine and tea, therefore lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Within a serving of cocoa, the researchers found 611 milligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) and 564 milligrams of epicatechin equivalents (ECE), in comparison with 340 milligrams of GAE and 163 milligrams of ECE in red wine, and 165 milligrams of GAE and 47 milligrams of ECE in green tea. Chang Yong Lee, the professor and researcher at Cornell who conducted the study, revealed that a more substantial quantity of antioxidants are released once the beverage is heated.

It is astounding to know that it contains more antioxidants than wine and tea, since these two are also my favorite. I hope you like this chocolate truth. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

10th Day of the Year

What's so exciting on the 10th day of the year? Nothing, unless you are always excited about every day of your life so this day would be as exciting as yesterday and the day after today. I am not excited but I am entirely grateful for this day. This day is a celebration of my XX years of existence and I am a bit glad that I am still in my twenties which literally and physically means that I am still young. I didn't say that thirty-something folks are old. It is just that the twenties age bracket is my favorite as of this moment. I will be thirty soon, then forty and so on and I do not dread to become older because by that time, I will be wiser and more capable than my actual age.

I got one year older now but it still feels like I am just 23. Okay, I'll be 23 forever, that's just a number to stick to. I love getting old but I do not like the feeling that I am old and that I look old. I am not a hypocrite to admit that I want to look my age or at times, look younger. Well, I think most people would love to look a bit younger. But let's just face reality. We are not getting any younger every day, just as the tree sheds its leaves and the sun sets on the horizon. That's just it and when the day passed, we get older, too.

I have figured out a solution and this solution worked for me many years ago. It is how we feel with ourselves that really matters. How we look at age, how we deal with our lives and how grateful we are for the days that have gone by are some of the factors that really affect our lives altogether.

I have learned that age is just a number and by that, I like to age gracefully. I do not dread the fact that I will be older, day by day. I wish for a peaceful mind, a sturdy body and a healthy heart which serves as a huge storage of beautiful moments with loved ones and friends, old and new.

Cheers to aging then! :-)