Do you know how to use a Mac? Honestly, I do not know. I cannot say that I know how to use it because I only know the basic functions and not all of it! I am not an adept Windows user but somehow, I am able to navigate it on my own. Maybe because it was the first operating system that I have used in my PC. Well, you would be surprised to know that I do not own my own PC or laptop per se. The PC that I am referring to is the PC I am using at the office, the one I am renting over the shop or from a generous friend who understood that I am still not buying my own PC. Buying my own PC is still on hold and I would discuss that in another topic.
I look like a wimp using Mac and trying some Windows commands hoping that it would work. Okay, some of the keyboard commands did work. Hahaha! It was a hilarious experience asking friends who are also newbies to teach me how to use this cool computer. What I like about it is its big screen, perfect for my blurred eyes that tend to droop every now and then. But for work purposes that have deadlines, I still use my laptop (yeah, the office laptop) to get the jobs done asap. Well, I will just have to get to the office early to have my mini Mac practice. Apparently, I am too shy to ask them how to use this gigantic box with a cool track pad that lets me glide my fingers smoothly.
I am looking forward to work tomorrow. It is not for work, but for using Mac. I am just kidding. My boss would kill me when he gets to read this piece of shit that I have written. Yeah, I just wrote some crazy stuff now. I just learned how to insert the cd on the monitor's side and how to eject the cd by pushing the eject button on the keyboard. It is so small that if you are not keen, you would not notice. Good thing, my friend pointed it out to me. Yes, he saw the eject button and mind you, he is also new to Mac. He is wearing his spectacles. Hehehe!
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